Friday, June 5, 2009

Pray for the Beatification of Pope John Paul II

I was reminded of something today. As I opened my daily newsletter from New Advent, the first topic that caught my eye was the one about the beatification of our beloved Pope John Paul II. A living saint when he was the pontiff and tough shoes for the present Pope Benedict to fill, the process that will lead to his canonization will be no surprise for those of us who were so blessed to live Catholic during his leadership. They are waiting for a miracle.

The article hinted to the process to begin soon and advised people to not be surprised how quickly it may come. My mind went back to all of the wonders of his life. Coming of age in Poland, fighting Communism, rallying young people (the older he got, the more youth were drawn to him), giving a sympathetic ear to the apparitions in Medjugore while he was unable to publicly declare them legitimate, fighting for human rights and the rights of the unborn.... there are to many marvelous aspects of his days with us, that I cannot list them all. I think the thing about him that is dearest to my heart, is that my devotion to Mother Church swelled under his authority. While I have been practicing the majority of my life, I felt this holy man's presence at so many times in my life, I feel he worked a personal miracle for me. With him as our pope, I felt free to grow in my love for Christ and His Church.

I plan to make a point of praying now with the intention of his beatification being a special part.

You may read this article at