Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Brief Hiatus

I am sure the hiatus has not been brief to those who follow, but I have been finishing my Political Science degree through Kaplan University. The Good News: I have made the Deans List every term I have studied. Woot! Validation that I am not a dolt... well, I always knew I was not, but it is so easy to fall into negative thinking. So, I will accept my supporters encouragement that I am no stooge and continue to believe that we can make this world the better place we all desire!

My project in a much beloved class, Composition II, will be putting all we have learned in Comp I into practical action in our chosen professions or way to express our chosen vocations with respect to our studies. I feel that Poly Sci is perfect for "rebels" like me who desire to preserve Natural Law, the Sacrament of Marriage and the support of the contemporary family, regardless of its shape. Don't get me wrong, I AM VERY PRO NATURAL LAW AND WILL DO ALL I CAN TO ENCOURAGE IT FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN, THE INNOCENTS. THOSE IN NEED OF ALL OF OUR SUPPORT IN THIS CULTURE OF DEATH.

Pray for Sr Kateri as she professes her vows of the evangelical counsels and seals her commitment to the betterment of all who desire!

For my class project, we will be creating our website to ask the Holy Spirit to bring us more vocations. Please all, OSMM or supporters or just friends, pray for us. I do believe our website is of the utmost importance. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.